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Men’s Health

Men often overlook the importance of their health – with doctors specialising in men’s health, we can support you with:

Sexual Health

Mental health

Cardiovascular health

Preventative checks – including prostate and bowel screening

Fertility counselling

Nutrition and lifestyle advice

Sports injuries and check ups

We offer advice and support on a wide range of men’s health issues, including:

Reproductive health, prostate screening, cardiovascular risk screening, mental health and sexual health

Prostate Cancer Screening

For men over aged 50 or over aged 40 with a family history should talk to us about screening for prostate cancer using the PSA blood test as part of their annual health check. Men should make an individual informed decision regarding testing based on the latest available benefits and potential harms of testing and subsequent treatment for prostate cancer.

For further information visit www.pcfa.org.au

STI screening

All STI’s can cause disease without necessarily producing symptoms. Different populations and situations will require different asymptomatic screening recommendations. Our doctors are skilled in diagnosing and managing infection.

For further information, visit www.sti.guidelines.org.au

45-59 year old Health Assessment.

If you are aged 45-49 inclusive and have one or more risk factors, which may put you at risk of developing a chronic disease, you are eligible for a Health Assessment. Risk factors may include smoking, physical inactivity, poor nutrition or excessive alcohol use, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, impaired glucose metabolism, excessive weight or a family history of a chronic disease. If you are aged 40-49 and are at risk of developing diabetes you are eligible for a Health Assessment also. In order to book in for your health assessment please book a long (40 minute) appointment with one of our experienced Registered nurses, followed by a 20 minute appointment with the doctor of your choice. All health assessments incur no out of pocket expenses.

Please note our fees are increasing from July 1st 2024.
Please refer to our fees section




We encourage you to have your annual flu shot as the flu vaccine changes yearly to keep up with the most common strains. Vaccination from mid-April onwards is likely to result in peak immunity during the flu season.

Flu vaccines are also free for:

Pregnant women (a flu vaccine can be safely given at any stage of pregnancy)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 6 months and older

Patients with chronic conditions or are severely immuno-compromised

There is no fee for the consultation, just the cost of the flu vaccine, if applicable.

For more information about the flu vaccine, please visit 2024 Fluvax Information.