
What is Physiotherapy?


Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that takes a holistic approach to improving physical well-being. It focuses on movement science to help individuals restore, maintain, and optimize their physical strength, function, and overall health. This profession spans various areas, including rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health promotion. Patient engagement through education and participation in their treatment is fundamental.

Physiotherapists are highly trained professionals who work closely with patients to enhance their quality of life. They aid in injury recovery, pain reduction, mobility improvement, and injury prevention. Physiotherapists treat a wide range of conditions, including back and neck pain, joint injuries, post-fracture rehabilitation, arthritis management, neurological conditions, and more. They use techniques such as exercise programs, joint manipulation, soft tissue mobilization, acupuncture, and hydrotherapy.

During a physiotherapy appointment, an initial assessment is conducted to understand the patient’s condition, lifestyle, and needs. This is followed by an objective evaluation and diagnosis. Treatment may involve manual therapy, exercise prescription, electrotherapy, and other modalities. Follow-up appointments focus on progress and adjustments to the treatment plan.

Physiotherapists often collaborate with other healthcare professionals, although a doctor’s referral is not always required to see a physiotherapist. It’s important to note that specific details about sessions, fees, and practitioners can be obtained through our receptionist.

Please note our fees are increasing from July 1st 2024.
Please refer to our fees section




We encourage you to have your annual flu shot as the flu vaccine changes yearly to keep up with the most common strains. Vaccination from mid-April onwards is likely to result in peak immunity during the flu season.

Flu vaccines are also free for:

Pregnant women (a flu vaccine can be safely given at any stage of pregnancy)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 6 months and older

Patients with chronic conditions or are severely immuno-compromised

There is no fee for the consultation, just the cost of the flu vaccine, if applicable.

For more information about the flu vaccine, please visit 2024 Fluvax Information.